
Thursday, June 7, 2012

To Dye or Not to Dye - 42 and Growing Grays

So, I colored my hair last night.  No, not a different color, exactly…  See, I have really dark brown hair naturally – the problem is that I'm starting to see grays creeping in.  And…  They are multiplying.

My mother colored her hair for as long as I can remember.  Even as a child, the ritual stuck out to me.  She went with black.  I tried to explain to her that we are Caucasian, so, black, not so much.  But, black it is.  She was old-school though – ask her and she will swear up and down it’s natural.  She’s in her late 60’s now, and from what I hear, it’s still black. 

My father has this gorgeous, soft silver hair.  Since we live so far apart, I remember the first time I visited and the silver had taken over.  Very distinguished on a man…
So, now I’m going gray.  As far as I can tell, it’s that beautiful silver my dad has; however, it’s not soft.  It’s wiry.  Like stick straight out of my head wiry.  Like run your fingernail along it and it curls up like a bow wiry.  Urgh!

So, for now, I’m electing to color it albeit just dyeing it to match the hair that hasn’t succumbed to stress and old age. 
What I don’t know is when it is time to commit to gray?  I mean, I’ll be forty-two in July.  That seems young enough to stay in denial.  50?  60?  At what point do I give up all pretense and let it ride? 

And how exactly does one go gray?  Slowly, just let it happen.  Or, overnight?  Like buy a silver dyeing kit and go for it?  For that matter, what hairstyle is apropos for wiry?  Short?  Will I look like I’ve stuck my finger in a socket?  Or long…  Hoping the length will keep it under control? 
I guess only time will tell, but if you have advice, I’d sure love to hear how you grew gray gracefully!


  1. Getting gray hair just isn't fun, is it? I started coloring to cover in my mid-20's. For a long time I got highlights, but now I've gone brunette and color it myself. I'm just not ready to be totally gray (which I nearly am) at 40 :) I have definitely noticed a difference in texture though ...and I do not like it:( Oh well...

    1. Lora, You have beautiful hair! I agree that doing it yourself is easier - one of the reasons I've stayed away from highlights up till now. :)


  2. I've been dying my hair since I was 13... Through High School I was blonde (in every sense!) and then went darker as I got older. When I turned 30 I went back to blonde and added pink highlights, just for the day. Last year, I kept it medium brown (my natural color) and had my cousin add pink and blue "chunks". I'll be 35 this year and the greys are intruding on my parade of life... Tee-hee... I tend to keep mine somewhere in the darker browns with red tints or black with purple tints, mostly because I feel like it's fun. I don't know if I will ever not dye my hair... My MIL is in her late 60's/early 70's and she still dyes hers. I think it's the preferance of the individual. If you have a great color coming in but it's a bit less managable than before you might stop into a salon or beauty sales store and ask for a suggestion regarding shampoo or conditioner that will help you tame the "beasts."
    Good Luck!

    1. Heidi, I love how daring you are! I've been red, blond and everything in between when I was younger. I even thought about maybe a colored highlight. :-)



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