
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Slim Down Sunday Meme - Week 6

Heartfelt HomeschoolingWhether you want to lose 10 pounds, 20 pounds or 100 pounds – it always helps to have support from those around you.

Goal – lose 20 pounds   
Pounds Lost (Week 4) – Down .5 pounds - 13.5 total...

How it Went This Week:
This week has had it's up's and down's - no, not on the scale, just in life. 

The scale barely moved, but it is THAT week of the month.  So, again, I'll be patient.  But let me tell you - it'd better MOVE this week!

I discovered that I do want to eat to compensate for hurt feelings.  I don't think I realized this about myself.  There was an event this week that really hurt my feelings and I totally wanted to go out to eat somewhere and really overindulge.  I was surprised to have that reaction.  I was proud of myself for staying the course and not overeating, but the next day we all went out for pizza.  Yep, I had some.  Sigh.

Five miles didn't happen.  I got in about 3.5 miles though, so I was close.  I'm eating less than my 1200 calorie goal typically, so barring my pizza indiscretion the weight should be moving.

What’s my Plan for nexty Week:

We start school this week.  It'll be an adjustment week for all of us, so I'm not going to make any grandiose plans.

I do want to go to TKD twice this week.  We didn't last week.  My older son broke his foot.  He and his brother and I go to TKD.  It's hard to go without him.  He loves TKD so I feel bad being there and learning when he's not.  Silly, I know, but what can I say?  Must look past that and keep moving forward as we love TKD too.  He'll be back in action in a month.

How's your week going?


  1. Don't beat yourself up about the pizza. It's OK. I have a slice of pizza almost every week. I think you're doing great. (and I am an emotional eater so I can relate!)

  2. The fact that you have identified yourself as an emotional eater is a positive step. And you still manged to lose some weight, so well done you!

  3. Thanks Karen! I was really surprised how intense the desire to use food to feel better was. Pizza did taste good! :-)



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