
Monday, October 17, 2011

Review - Educating the WholeHearted Child

Educating the WholeHearted Child

Author: Clay Clarkson with Sally Clarkson

Price:  $22.00
Educating the WholeHearted Child is a book I wish I had had when we started homeschooling four years ago.  This book is an honest look at the approach to homeschooling, God’s guidance in the decision and strong recommendations for how to approach schooling in your own home.
View the Table of Contents here.
Section 1 discusses the whys of homeschooling and the impact it will have on your family.  It WILL have an impact.  Through numerous scriptural references, Clarkson shows us to follow God’s will for our children’s education and the realities that are the blessings and sacrifices of this choice.  What I appreciate most is the honesty – it may not be for you!  However, if it is, then one has to be prepared.

In addition to preparing you for your choice, this section covers dealing with the questions that will inevitably come with being a homeschool family.  Shaping your child’s spirit, heart and mind to learn for God round out this preparatory section.
Click here to see Chapter 1.
Section 2 is all about learning.  What approach will you take to homeschooling your child?  This may be an intimidating question if you don’t have an education background, but, the good news is, you don’t have to have one to be successful.  The book covers the various modes of thought for approaching your educational time from the Charlotte Mason method, to Unschooling, to using unit studies, etc.  Finally, the Wholehearted Learning Model is introduced.  This model is the focus of the book: how to really reach your child’s heart through the techniques described.  We’re eclectic – this approach appeals because it allows for several modes for education and learning.
Section 3 goes deeper.  Each method in the Wholehearted learning model is addressed: discipleship, discipline, discussion, discovery and discretionary studies methods are all elaborated upon.  What aspect of schooling goes into each?  Some examples – math is a disciplined study, reading falls into discussion, computers or science are discovery and field trips are discretionary.  Employing all these methods addresses the child’s whole heart instead of trying to fit the child into one particular approach.

Section 4 addresses the home and the family.  Schooling in the home on a homeschooled schedule impacts everyone.  Where will you school in your home, when will you take breaks or vacation, how will you handle the holidays, what about housekeeping?  Again, there will be blessing and sacrifice, but, with prayer, planning and time management, the house will fall into the flow of your homeschooling choice.  Struggle in the area of how to keep all those balls in the air while juggling homeschooling is a common concern.  I felt the author is realistic and yet direct about keeping the focus on priorities and on God while eliminating the time wasters that eat up our day and add stress to the week.  This section was a refreshing and reinvigorating read.
The Resources section has book lists, scripture recommendations, and forms all aimed at starting homeschool off successfully and keeping it on track.

If you are thinking about homeschooling for the first time – get this book!  The content helps you address this choice realistically, spiritually and confidently.  Again, I wish I had it four years ago.  If you are feeling overwhelmed or need some new direction with your current homeschool, I still recommend this read. 
This is another strong offering from Apologia!
To see other reviews by the TOS Homeschool Crew - click here.

*** I received this book free of charge as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew in exchange for my honest review.

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