
Monday, March 14, 2011

Memoir Monday - Week 24

My husband's colleague has family that live right at the site where the tsunami hit - thankfully, they were in the U.S. visiting at the time.  My thoughts go out to all of those who were present and now dealing with the effects of the earthquake/tsunami.

Thinking about this – I realize there are several events in a lifetime that remain indelible. 9/11 is certainly one of those times among others. Thus, this week’s Monday Memoir…

1. What is the first major historical event that you remember happening? It could be something positive or something negative?

2. Where were you on 9/11? What are your memories of that event?

1. What is the first major historical event that you remember happening? It could be something positive or something negative?

Oddly enough, the first "historical" event I remember is the death of Elvis.  My mom was devastated and wrote a long poem to commemorate him.  Her sadness is probably why I remember it so clearly.
The next big event I remember is the Challenger exploding.  I was in the library at my high school at the time and all the TV's were turned on to watch it.  A very sad day.

2. Where were you on 9/11? What are your memories of that event?

On 9/11, I remember being in my bedroom.  Someone called and told me to turn on the TV - I can't remember who.  At first, I sat there thinking it was just an accident.  Once they started saying it was two passenger airplanes, realization began to sink it.  Frightening.  I remember calling my dad and telling him to turn on the TV.  We were talking and then silence - a building collapsed.  Did that just happen?  More planes - the pentagon, one in a field, how many?  All those lives...
My two oldest kids were in public school at the time.  I went and picked them up and headed to church.  What else to do? 
My husband has family in New York - one cousin was near the accident, but is OK.  My next door neighbor's cousin was not - he was in one of the towers. 
A day I'll never forget.

Share our memories on your blog and then come on back and link up.


  1. 1. What is the first major historical event that you remember happening? It could be something positive or something negative?
    I recall watching the news and seeing Vietnam soldiers. It was disturbing to me - as a child you cannot really know how close or far these events are to your backyard. My father was in the Navy, so it felt very personal to me.

    2. Where were you on 9/11? What are your memories of that event?
    My boys and I were getting ready to head out to our homeschool Gileskirk class. I too thought the first plane had been an accident. I went and filled the bathtub with fresh water after the second plane hit. My family thinks I'm crazy at times like that, but it's the protector in me.
    We went on to class, watched some more of the news with everyone, talked, then watched Dr. Grant. His lecture connected with the events happening that day, of course.
    I recall watching other families there, seeing the difference in how everyone responded, wishing I were as calm as on in particular. Their faith impressed me.

  2. Shyla - my father was in Vietnam. I've heard mnay stories. I can imagine, as a child, that was very scary. I know even Iraq has concerned my kids although they are used to it now.


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